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Adventure So Far

(the very short version!)

Internet, 2007

8 long years later they reconnect.  Gokul tries using fancy words every time he interacts with Avipsa. Not fancy enough apparently. 


Yale University, 2009

Gokul plods away on his path to "doctorship". Avipsa goes to the same country on a fellowship, Gokul is surprised. Of course, they meet!




New York, 2011

Avipsa goes to New York. Avipsa and Gokul are in the same time zone again. Many miles away but still on top of the world.




ONGC Colony, Panvel, 2000

Gokul sees Avipsa in 8th grade. Avipsa too busy being the school all-rounder and heart-throb does not know he exists. 





Bombay, 2008 

Avipsa goes to Mumbai for summer internship. Gokul uses fancier words and brings her vada pav. Thinks he might get lucky. Avipsa doesn't think so. Not to mention Gokul's parents see this pic of them together and ...




Delhi/ Florida, 2010 - 2011

Continents apart: Avipsa busy in her work in Delhi, Gokul busy in pursuing his PhD. But Skype and sweet gestures keep them sane.




Lake Bohenj, Slovenia, 2015

Gokul spends dayssss searching for a diamond-free, vintage-gold ring with locally sourced stones. It finally happens!

Avipsa and Gokul get engaged!









Dreams-come-true-land, 2016 

Avipsa and Gokul get married and you celebrate with them!


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